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Public Service Announcement- Capstone

For this capstone you may use Flash, Aftereffects or Premiere. As always, these must be school appropriate and done to the best of your skilled, creative ability. The purpose of this project is to showcase your professional creativity on extensive projects with a purpose. This is your chance to add advanced features, showcase your favorite Program and just have a little fun with what you have learned. This must have a serious undertone.

You are a member of a certain organization (you can choose). Your organization has asked that you create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) commercial to persuade your community to support a specific cause. Public Service Announcement for Social Awareness example: Texting and Driving, Bullying, poverty, addictions etc. The video must meet the following requirements:

1. Must be Minimum 30 seconds maximum 60 seconds.
2. May do individually or groups of 2 or 3. If done in a group you must create a poster to go along with the PSA.
3. Must have a title
4. Must have credits
5. Must include a music or sound file
6. Must include an integrated video/ or well drawn animation
7.Create a storyboard to assist with the planning and creation of the PSA Video. 20 pts

Project Specifications

Points: 75 Points

Program: Your Choice,

Requirements: Skill, Time and Effort, Advanced Skill level and Time applied will get you an A!

Please turn in following formats:
Movies....H.264. MP4 , Flash....SWF, Photoshp/Illustrator...JPG or PNG...